


basic obedience (level 1)

This course will introduce you to the building blocks of dog training - sit, stand, stay, down, heel, and recall. By the final class, your dog should be able to heel properly, perform the basic moves with voice commands, and begin to understand hand signals. Puppies are welcome - if they’re not ready for the main class, our trainers will work one-on-one with you on the side until they’re comfortable joining in!

advanced obedience/pre-novice (level 2)

Following your accomplishments in Level 1, Level 2 will help to strengthen your control over your dog. You’ll be able to put them in a sit or down and leave the room, heel without a leash, and perform recall over longer distances even while distracted. Dogs will learn to follow hand signals without voice, and you’ll find out how to adapt your body language to communicate better with your pet.


Brian would love to talk with you about your dog, and will travel anywhere in the Ottawa area to train. Fill out the form below with your name, e-mail, phone number and specifics about your dog - your training goals, temperament, breed and age, and he'll get back to you shortly about what lesson plan is right for you.